Latest Migration News

On the move

Recent highlights

In the Central Mediterranean, on May 27 2024, during two different operations, the crew of the SOS Humanity 1 assisted 100 people, including pregnant women and children who were in danger. The Italian authorities designated the distant port of Livorno for the disembarkation. Between May 18 and June 02 2024, more than 371 migrants were rescued in the Central Mediterranean by humanitarian NGOs.

In the Western Mediterranean on May 21, 2024, LightHouse Reports and Enass published an investigation on the multiple persecutions faced by sub-Saharan communities in North Africa. A week later, on May 27 2024, in the south of Andalusia, 16 north African men were assisted by the Spanish coast guard and then transported to the port of Motril.

In the Eastern Mediterranean, Aegean Boat Report reported 3,034 pushbacks by the Greek Coast Guard since January 2020, involving 82,894 men, women and children. Finally, on 21 May 2024, a Greek judge dropped the charges against 9 men of Egyptian origin who had been accused of being behind the Pylos shipwreck in June 2023. At the trial, the Kalamata court considered that the case was not within its territorial jurisdiction. The Adriana disaster killed more than 500 people and the 9 Egyptians risked life in prison.

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Positive News

  • On June 5 2024, an Italian court ruled that the administrative detention of the Sea-Eye 4, on March 7, 2024, was “illegitimate and invalid”. This is a victory for the NGO Sea-Eye, which had been accused by the Italian authorities of not having followed the orders of the Libyan coast guard in March during a rescue operation.

EU updates

Return Mania
Mapping policies and practices in the EuroMed region

The research provides an overview of the current return policies and practices in the Euro-Mediterranean region and sheds a light on the violations of human rights entailed by this “return obsession”, which is shared across Member States, EU institutions and third countries alike. The report covers national return policies and practices in the Mashreq and Maghreb regions, focusing on returns from Turkey and Lebanon to Syria, and on readmission agreements between Italy and Tunisia, Spain and Morocco as well as France and Morocco. It also looks at returns from Germany and Italy to Egypt. Read More

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