Human Rights & Democracy for all in the
Euro-Mediterranean Region.


EuroMed Rights,
A network bridging two shores.

Founded in 1997, EuroMed Rights encompasses 68 organisations from 30 countries. Its work is aimed at promoting and protecting human rights and democracy in the Southern and Eastern Mediterranean regions and at influencing the policies of major European actors towards these areas.


13th General Assembly of EuroMed Rights.

Rome, 12-14, 2024

Our 2022-2027 strategy identifies five political themes.
Check them Out!
Countries we work on
In accordance with its 2022-2027 strategy, EuroMed Rights develops programmes in several countries.
See all Countries!
EuroMed Rights

Strengthening the collaboration between local organisations.

EuroMed Rights is a member-driven network with a broad and diverse membership base.
Check out all Members!
"EuroMed Rights gathers human rights organisations from the North and South of the Mediterranean and explains how to influence decision-makers."
Wadih Al-Asmar


Migration and Asylum

Restrictive migration policies and inadequate legislative protection across the Euro-Med (and beyond) mean that asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees face unique challenges on the move and in their host countries.

Women's Rights and Gender Justice


EuroMed Rights strives to actively promote the rights of women, their participation in public life, as well as gender equality in the Euro-Med region.

Accountability, Justice and Space for Civil Society

In recent years, many governments across the Euro-Mediterranean region have tended to adopt ever more repressive measures and policies to curtail civil society activism and muzzle critical voices.

Democracy and Freedoms

The status of democracy and fundamental freedoms in the Euro-Mediterranean region has continued to backslide or remained at a negative status quo over the past few years.  

Economic and Social Rights

This theme is covered by a specific regional programme, building on past experiences, e.g. in Tunisia, and putting social justice concerns at the heart of EuroMed Rights’ work
