

Our Work

Despite the ongoing situation, EuroMed Rights continues to monitor the situation and engage with civil society organisations to formulate policy requests, while working with state institutions to influence their policy agendas. Our work in Tunisia aims to reinforce and create synergies between national and international civil society actors, and independent state instances in four key areas: justice reform, women’s rights and gender equality, individual freedoms, and the establishment of independent institutions. Additionally, EuroMed Rights has spearheaded a "tripartite dialogue" between civil society, the Tunisian Government, and the EU for several years, with the goal of enhancing human rights standards in EU-Tunisia bilateral relations in areas such as gender equality, the rights of migrants and refugees, justice reform, and economic and social rights.

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Migration and Asylum

Restrictive migration policies and inadequate legislative protection across the Euromed (and beyond) mean that asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees face unique challenges in adjusting to life in their host countries.

Women's Rights and Gender Justice


EuroMed Rights strives to actively promote the rights of women and women’s participation in public life as well as promoting gender equality in the Euro-Med region.

Accountability, Justice and Space for Civil Society

In recent years, many governments across the Euro-Mediterranean region have tended to adopt ever more repressive measures and policies to curtail civil society activism and muzzle critical voices.

Democracy and Freedoms

The status of democracy and fundamental freedoms in the Euro-Mediterranean region has continued to backslide or remained at a negative status quo over the past three years.  

Economic and Social Rights

A new regional programme of EuroMed Rights focuses on economic and social rights (ESR), building on our extensive work in Tunisia over the last years. The Network strives to put social justice concerns at the heart of its work.