Online Training Guide

Many human rights NGOs and individuals have steadily reported how obscure and sometimes elusive the European Union (EU) is, making advocacy towards its institutions a very challenging exercise.

In a bid to help them navigate through the EU institutional maze, EuroMed Rights has developed a web-based version of its training guide on influencing EU relations with the Southern Mediterranean countries.

This interactive guide aims to ease up the understanding of the EU and help NGOs devise efficient advocacy strategies to champion their cause, by identifying the right targets and instruments.

In the first part, the main EU institutions and bodies, their competencies and the actions they can take on human rights are decrypted. As EU foreign policy is still very much driven by the Member States, their role is also specifically underlined.

The second part focuses on global EU human rights policies and tools at global, regional and bilateral levels. The Euro-Mediterranean partnership as well as the EU’s bilateral relations with Southern Mediterranean countries are described in detail.

The third part provides guidance on how to devise and implement an effective advocacy roadmap towards the EU, with practical tips and good practices.

We hope that this website will allow you to strengthen your advocacy skills, and ultimately promote and enhance human rights standards throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region and beyond.

EuroMed Rights