Report from the Sixth General Assembly of the EMHRN

The 6th General Assembly (GA) of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) took place in Malta 5-7 December 2003 and gathered about 90 representatives of the EMHRN membership. The GA was preceded by a working group meeting on Justice in the Mediterranean region 3-4 December 2003.

The aim of the GA was to evaluate the work carried out since the last General Assembly in Athens, June 2002; to develop the action plan for 2004-2008 as well as to vote for a new Executive Committee.

The EMHRN was created in 1997 in order to support the human rights principles as described in the Barcelona Declaration of 1995. The network’s general aim is to promote stability, peace and dignity in the Euro-Mediterranean region through strengthening civil society and promoting exchanges, knowledge and synergies.

Read the full report here