Read the strategy document in English, Arabic and French.
The present strategy document sets goals and objectives for EuroMed Rights’ work in the period from January 2025 to December 2027. This corresponds to the second half of the period covered by the strategic framework document entitled “Improve and advance” that was adopted during the Network’s General Assembly in October 2021.
The document is based on a firm belief that the ten strategic goals that the Network set out to achieve in 2021 remain as relevant as ever. Consequently, the present document does not set new goals for our work: Instead, it brings the strategy document up to date with key developments within the Network as well as the external environment in which it operates.
This new document differs from the first version in two key respects: Firstly, it presents updated descriptions of the internal and external environments that surround the Network and condition its efforts to reach its political, organisational, and geopolitical goals. Second, it clarifies some passages of the first version which were unclear or difficult to put into operation – in particular the demarcation between some of the political goals and the framing of the Network’s identity statement.
We began updating the strategy document in late 2023 by appointing a taskforce comprised of Executive Committee members and select Secretariat staff. Having elaborated an internal analysis of the results of our work in 2022 and 2023, the taskforce made propositions for amendments to the strategy document that were discussed with members of the Network and with the body of the Secretariat staff.