Escalating Violence in Turkey: Human Rights Dealt Another Major Blow

Ankara/ Copenhagen, 27 July 2015– In the wake of the alleged ISIL bomb attack on 20 July, killing 32 people and leaving over 100 young people injured in Suruç, Şanlıurfa a city with Kobane border as well as 2 police officers by Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) murdered while they were home asleep on 22 July, EuroMed Rights expresses its deep concern about ongoing massive arrest operations and human rights violations in Turkey.

As a response to the attack, the Turkish Government announced that it would fight against the perpetrators and launched an air attack on ISIS, with several ISIS activists being arrested in Turkey.

However, EuroMed Rights is dismayed to learn that the Turkish Government conducted massive arrest operations in over 30 cities in the country and arrested over 800 people, mainly Kurdish and leftist opponents from Peoples Democracy People (HDP).

Opposition online media are reported to be blocked and the Teachers’ Union (Egitimsen) building raided on 25 July. Despite being allowed by the Turkish authorities into the capital to seek medical care, families travelling from Kobane to Ankara, have been arrested.

There is also 1 trade union member who was arrested Rona Temelli, the Women’s Secretary of the Ankara Branch of Trade Union of Public Employees in Health and Social Services (SES). One citizen, Günay Özarslan was killed in İstanbul by police forces because she had allegedly resisted them.

Peace Block, a movement composed of political parties and civil society organisations including EuroMed Rights member Human Rights Association (İHD), announced that it would organise a big demonstration for peace Istanbul. Yet, Istanbul Governor banned this demonstration under the pretext of security-related issues.

All these operations are conducted in accordance with the new security package which came into force last April.

EuroMed Rights denounces the climate of escalating violence in Turkey. The recent violent episodes that swept the country are a severe violation of rights such as right to life, freedom of media and internet as well as freedom of assembly.

‘We call on Turkish authorities to respect the rights of those who are under arrest. There must be administrative and judicial investigations against public officers who violate human rights.’ declared EuroMed Rights President Michel Tubiana.