Work programme 2012-2015

The current document outlines the EMHRN’s work program for the next three years, i.e. from the second half of 2012 to the second half of 2015 when the next EMHRN General Assembly is planned to take place.

The Work Program aims at implementing the EMHRN’s Strategy by suggesting a range of activities insupport thereof.

The Work Program takes its point of departure in the fact that one of the EMHRN’s main strength and added values lies in its regional character and its capacity to bring human rights defenders together from all parts of the EuroMed region.

Hence the point of departure for the EMHRN’s work is its regional thematic activities as defined by the strategy, i.e.

  • Democratic Transition, Legislative and Judicial Reform
  • Conflict situations and the respect for human rights, international and international humanitarian law (IHL);
  • Gender Equality and Women’s Rights;
  • The fight against discrimination
  • Migrants’ and refugees’ rights
  • Economic and Social Rights

Work programme 2012-2015