Strategy Paper 2012-2018

The present document outlines the strategy of the EuroMed Rights for the period of 2012-2018. The document aims at communicating effectively EuroMed Rights’ objectives and methodologies within its membership as well as to the outside world. It seeks to develop new synergies, partnerships and internal communication by offering a shared vision of the network, its values and objectives.

The document is divided into five parts:

  • The first part provides a general presentation of EuroMed Rights’ mission, values and objectives
  • The second part analyses the current situation in the Euro-Mediterranean region and challenges facing EuroMed Rights
  • The third part describes EuroMed Rights response to the challenges described in part 2
  • The fourth part describes working methods
  • Finally, EuroMed Rights’ history and organisational build-up is outlined in Annex A

The strategy provides the overall direction for EuroMed Rights’ work. It will be translated into programmes outlining in greater detail the chosen interventions implementing the strategy.

Strategy 2012-2018