Telling the Story: EU Border Militarisation

The European Union’s external borders are rapidly becoming more expansive and more dangerous. Europe’s border regime is costing lives, destabilising countries beyond European borders, and driving widespread abuse – and its budget and power is increasing. Meanwhile, the migration justice movement is under-resourced and often necessarily composed of organisations working on a single significant element of the vast EU border regime.

A key part of successfully challenging Europe’s border regime is being able to describe and expose it, by telling the same story about the dangers it poses across the continent. For the last few months, a number of organisations involved in human rights and migration have worked together to produce the below document which provides that story, as part of a narrative guide to communicating about border militarisation and its consequences. We hope it will be useful to all those working for the rights and dignity of people on the move.

Read the report: FINAL ENG_ EU Border militarization narrative-4