Manifesto: For a Genuine Political Dialogue based on Equality, Shared Values, and Accountability between the European Union and Civil Society in the MENA Region  

The results of the European elections two days ago were marked by the far-right gains in parliamentary seats, enhancing Europe’s drift to the right, with ramifications that will certainly reach the MENA region. 

As a result, challenging times lie ahead of us, in which civil society will need to defend fundamental values such as human rights, social justice, environmental protection, migration, and fundamental freedoms with greater determination.

As the parliamentary landscape is being drawn and a new European Commission is being decided, which will guide the Union for the next five years, EuroMed Rights, FMAS and Legal Agenda, are launching a manifesto, under the project of MAJALAT II, to advocate for a political dialogue founded on universal values between civil society in the MENA region and the European Union.

The manifesto is addressed to the new European decision-makers and contains recommendations from key MENA civil society actors who have participated in MAJALAT II project activities and meetings. These recommendations focus on key issues for the Euro-Mediterranean region and highlight specific actions to be undertaken by the EU.

We invite you to review the manifesto we have developed. If you wish to endorse the manifesto, you can do so until June 14, end of day, through this link.

List of signatories:

Egyptian Human Rights Forum ( EHRF)

MenaFem Movement for Economic, Development and Ecological Justice

المركز الفلسطيني لاستقلال المحاماه والقضاء -مساواه-

Marie Pelatan

Rola Roukbi ,political feminist activist

Egyptian Front for Human Rights (EFHR)

Zidi Omar membre du BE de la CMJC

منظمة الأمان لمناهضة التمييز العنصري Aman against Discrimination(AAD)

CS-LADDH, Algérie

ADFM (Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc)

الرابطة المغربية للمواطنة وحقوق الانسان

Association pour la défense des droits à l’eau et à l’assainissement du Sénégal

Association Bullaregia

Self-employed/Gender and Inclusion Expert

wisdom center for religious studies and intercultural dialogue in Kenitra, MOROCCO

Association Awrach Sahraoui Pour La Presse Et La Communication

RARBA (réseau des associations de la réserve de biosphére arganeraie)


Association Al Intilaka Pour Le Developpement, L’Environnement Et La Culture – Afourer (AIDECA)

Association pour Leadership et le Développement en Afrique (ALDA)

Res’Art international

Ahmed Saafi

محمد أبو الشباب