EuroMed Rights Executive Committee meeting Rabat, 5-7 February 2016

EuroMed Rights’ Executive Committee met on 5-7 February 2016 in Rabat, Morocco. In the margin of the EC meeting, i.e. on 4 and 5 February 2016, meetings were held with Abderrazzak Rouwane, Secretary General of the Interministerial Delegation for Human Rights; Ambassador Rupert Joy from the EU Delegation; Driss El Yazami, President of the CNDH; and the Network’s members (AMDH, OMDH, Adala, and ADFM) in Morocco. During these meetings the EC members discussed the human rights situation in the Maghreb with special focus on Morocco and also highlighted the lessons learnt in Tunisia in relation to human rights and networking with the EU, civil society and government representatives. On 5 February 2016, the Executive Committee invited members and partners for a working dinner to discuss the current human rights situation in Morocco. Some of the issues raised at this meeting were the shrinking space for human rights organisations in Morocco in particular in terms of freedom of assembly and speech, as well as the lack of a free press and trade union freedoms. On a more positive note was mentioned the very active civil society in Morocco.

Read the minutes