EU News on the radar

Another step ahead towards an EU Human Rights sanction regime and two EU action plans, the first on human rights and democracy and the second on gender. Search no more, all the necessary info is below. 

  1. One step closer to an EUHuman Rights Sanction Regime 

On 19 October 2020, the European Union put forward a proposal for sanctions against serious human rights violations and abuses worldwide. This proposal is a preliminary step towards the adoption of an EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime, which might optimistically be published by the end of 2020.  

According to “Politico the texts list the many crimes that could be sanctioned, from genocide and crimes against humanity to “arbitrary arrests or detentions” and “trafficking in human beings”Sanctions would last for 12 months and include measures like travels bans and asset freezes. 

  1. Two new upcoming EU actions plans on human rights, democracy and gender

On 23 November 2020, the European External Action Service will hold an online Zoom event on the occasion of the launch of the new EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy (2020-2024)The Plan defines the priorities and actions that the EU is committed to undertaking to promote democracy and defend human rights throughout its external action. The Commission had published the first proposal in March 2020, and after months of discussions it seems like the Action Plan will be formally adopted by the Council of the European Union.  

Two days later, on 25 November 2020, the European Commission will reportedly publish the new Gender Action Plan (GAP). Third in the series, the GAP – much like the Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy –  will lay out the list of objectives and actions that the European Union intends on taking in the next four years to promote gender equality and women’s rights throughout its external relations in third and partner countries. Hopefully the Council of the EU will adopt it before the end of the year.