Egyptians remain entitled to freedom, justice and human dignity

One day ahead of the first anniversary of the Egyptian revolution, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) seizes this opportunity to acknowledge the struggle and sacrifices made by the Egyptian people, ever since the outbreak of the 25 Jan. Revolution, with the aim of making such fundamental rights as freedom, justice and human dignity available to all Egyptians.

The democratic forces and the Egyptian civil society have since achieved a number of vital gains spearheaded by the trial of persons symbolizing the former regime, the main of which was the ousting of former President Mubarak and the former Minister of Interior, charged with the killing of demonstrators and financial corruption as well as the first competitive and free legislative elections in more than six decades.

Nevertheless, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) asserts that there are still many pressing tasks for the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), the transitional government and the elected People’s Assembly to take on board, in order to turn the page on the human rights violations in Egypt, achieve accountability and justice, attain full independence of the judiciary and public prosecution, equal rights of men and women and secure operational space for the civil society and media.

EMHRN calls for the Egyptian authorities and the People’s Assembly to open a comprehensive dialogue with the various stakeholders of the Egyptian society, including youth, women and human rights organisations in a bid for redressing the realm of human rights in the country and ensuring guarantees of justice and rule of law in Egypt.
EMHRN urges the SCAF to halt practices designed to restrict or intimidate political activists, young bloggers and human rights activists and to conduct independent investigations into the overall human rights abuses committed over the past year, topped by extra-judicial executions of protesters. EMHRN recalls that hundreds of Egyptians have been victimised in the process, and asks that the perpetrators of these crimes be brought to justice. Additionally, it condemns the systematic employment of military courts against civilians.

In general, EMHRN calls upon the SCAF to exercise restraint when dealing with demonstrators, and respect the rights of Egyptian citizens (women and men alike) to gather, demonstrate and express their opinion in a peaceful manner.

Furthermore, EMHRN calls upon the Egyptian Parliament, as being the first democratic institution in the country, to take both legislative and constitutional measures to meet the demands of the revolution; enact laws in support of rights and freedoms; and adhere to the international standards and conventions ratified by Egypt.

Last but not least, EMHRN exhorts the international community and the EU to follow-up and assess the human rights situation and demand that the SCAF respect Egypt’s international conventions and obligations and protect the human rights in Egypt.