Casablanca Declaration on the Genocide in Palestine

We, the attendees of the Regional Civil Society Seminar convened in Morocco on February 2- 3, 2024, take note of the events unfolding since October 7, 2023, and ongoing in the occupied Palestinian territories, particularly in the Gaza Strip.

These events denote a reprehensible and blatant aggression resulting in genocide against the defenseless Palestinian populace. The resultant warfare has led to the tragic loss of tens of thousands of civilian lives, notably impacting women, children, the elderly, and the sick. Moreover, thousands have sustained injuries amidst a blockade imposed by Israel obstructing the entry of vital provisions such as food and medicine.

Additionally, deliberate assaults on healthcare facilities, targeting of journalists, bombings of displaced persons despite assurances of safety, implementation of scorched earth tactics over a limited geographical expanse of no more than 365 square kilometers, and various other acts of cruelty perpetrated on Palestinian soil all underscore the occupation’s disdain for humanity and disregard for human dignity in in order to foster a world characterized by tolerance and founded upon the principles of universal human rights.

In light of the inability and failure of the international Organizations, on top of them we find the United Nations, because of the repetitive use of the Veto in the Security Council, to stop the war of genocide against the Palestinians. Moreover, the persistence of the colonial powers which have always praised human rights and international and United nations covenants and conventions, in covering up the crimes of the occupation and even engaging with him in this humanitarian crime by providing weapons and financial aid, and even by seeking to thwart the decisions of the international and United Nations organizations

In our belief, the mutual relations with the European Union should be founded upon a common commitment to the principles of human rights and predicated upon full transparency in dialogue and cooperation in shaping a future based on equality, justice, and mutual respect. This should be achieved without resorting to the practice of using financial incentives earmarked for human rights and development, and without the duplicity in standards when addressing issues of concern, notably the just Palestinian cause. Through this declaration, we address the Maghreb, regional, and international public opinion, affirming our steadfast support for the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination and expressing solidarity with them. We call for an end to all violations perpetrated against them, the cessation of occupation of Palestinian land, and the realization of the Palestinian people’s right to return, establish and rebuild their state.

On the basis of all the above, we call for the following :

  •  Immediate cease-fire.
    Opening all border crossings and ensuring the right to freedom of movement, allowing unhindered access for all humanitarian aid, including food, medicine, and water, without any form of obstruction.
  • Holding the occupying authorities and their forces accountable for the commission of genocide crimes, forcing Palestinians into migration and refuge, perpetrating crimes against humanity, grave violations of human rights, and violating all principles of international law and human values, subjecting them to lawful prosecution under criminal law.
  • Urging countries with diplomatic ties to sever relations with the occupation.
  • Commencing immediate reconstruction of Gaza, accommodating displaced families, and rebuilding facilities and services.
  • Providing international assurances and protection to halt the occupation’s aggression and put an end to its brutality and attacks against the Palestinian people.
  • Immediate and unconditional implementation of the International Court of Justice’s decision to impose provisional measures in the lawsuit brought by South Africa against Israel for its commission and failure to prevent the commission of genocide crimes, and working to reject the policy of collective punishment by the international community against Palestinians through cutting funding to UNRWA.
  • We deplore the European Union’s stance for its unconditional support of the Israeli occupation in the genocidal war and its duplicity in rhetoric. We urge it to play a clear role consistent with the principles of human rights it claims to uphold and to cease the coercion it exerts by pressuring Palestinian civil society and the region, including imposing conditions on this funding that contradict shared international values and principles.

Casablanca, Morocco February 3, 2024


  •  Forum Des Alternatives Maroc
  •  Legal Agenda
  • Euromed Rights
  • Takatoul Associatif Tanger Metropole
  • Association Network of Pioneers – Youth of Tiflet
  •  Al-Aman Organization to Combat Racial Discrimination
  •  Association free-Hands
  • Coalition of 8 March for an anti-discrimination framework law
  • Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights
  • MENA FEM Feminist movement for economic and ecological justice and development in the Middle East and North Africa
  • The Tunisian National Committee for the Defense of Freedoms and Democracy
  • 1Moroccan Coalition for Climate Justice
  • Civic and Ecological Action Association
  • Fatna Afid human rights activist and trade unionist
  • Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights in Tunisia
  • Palestinian Center for the Independence of the Legal Profession and the Judiciary power– Musawah
  • The Observatory on Gender In Crisis – Libya 18- Adala for the right to a fair trial
  • MenaFem Movement for Economic, Development and Ecological Justice
  • المركز الفلسطيني لاستقلال المحاماه والقضاء -مساواه-
  • Rola Roukbi ,political feminist activist
  • Zidi Omar membre du BE de la CMJC
  • منظمة الأمان لمناهضة التمييز العنصري Aman against Discrimination(AAD)
  • CS-LADDH, Algérie
  • [email protected]
  • ADFM (Association Démocratique des Femmes du Maroc)
  • Association pour la défense des droits à l’eau et à l’assainissement du Sénégal
  • Association Bullaregia
  • wisdom  center for religious studies and intercultural dialogue in Kenitra, MOROCCO
  • Association Awrach Sahraoui Pour La Presse Et La Communication
  • Association Al Intilaka Pour Le Developpement, L’Environnement Et La Culture – Afourer (AIDECA)