About Mission in Tunisia

The Tunisia Mission was set up on March 1st, 2011 by the EMHRN to accompany the democratic transition in Tunisia. The Mission aims at doing so by providing concrete support to EMHRN members as well as to new national civil society actors shaping the Tunisian landscape.

The mission is established in consultation with EMHRN Tunisian members, who are regularly consulted on the activities run by the Mission and who also take an active part in implementation of these activities.

The Mission’s main objective is to monitor the key developments of the transition process (including the evolution of associative life after 14 January 2011); to feed in civil society in Europe and the MENA region on what happens in the country; and to issue alerts/ conduct urgent actions whenever needed.

The TM identified three main target groups for its action:

  • Tunisia’s Interior Regions;
  • Women
  • Youth (with a specific focus on unemployed youth)

The Mission serves as a means to strengthen the links between Tunisian civil society and the broader Euro-Med region, and to facilitate exchanges among them; including in the framework of advocacy activities to the EU and UN institutions.

The role of the Mission is also to ensure that Tunisian civil society is fully involved in the elaboration of EU’s new strategy and approach towards Tunisia. The Mission’s ambition is to make sure Tunisian civil society is regularly consulted when EU and Tunisian decision-makers meet.

Support provided by the Mission includes, amongst other:

  • Seeing new associations through their first activities to help them acquire basic know how in logistics (also by providing them with a premise to meet using the Mission’s offices)
  • Providing training to new associations seeking to answer to their capacity-building needs (such as team-work methodologies; project management-related issues; fundraising; internal and external communication; advocacy; etc.)
  • Acting as a source of expertise whenever new civil society organisation is in need of support to translate their priorities into action and define both the content and the means of their actions; (this includes providing international expertise)
  • Providing assistance during advocacy activities targeting Tunisian authorities

To learn about our activities, publications, media reviews and more, please visit the dedicated sections.