Economic and social rights
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Climate change is a human rights issue!
Climate change is an extremely urgent issue in the Middle East and North African region. Due to its geography and climate, the region is particularly vulnerable to climate change and

[Webinar] The mounting socio-economic impacts of climate change in the MENA region
EuroMed Rights is pleased to invite you to its webinar: The mounting socio-economic impacts of climate change in the MENA region

The human rights impact of international financial institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region: a joint position paper
Ahead of the upcoming Annual Meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Marrakech, EuroMed Rights’ Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Working Group publishes a joint position

Austerity contravenes human rights: EuroMed Rights latest publication highlights the impacts of austerity in the Euro-Mediterranean region
How is austerity impacting human rights in the euro-mediterranean region ? EuroMed Rights publishes today a new factsheet looking at the role of International Financial Institutions (IFIs) on the spread

EuroMed Rights’ 2022 annual report
You can read EuroMed Rights’ annual report in English, French and Arabic by clicking on the hyperlinks. Alternatively, find an online version after the foreword below.

[Webinar] The gendered impact of austerity
EuroMed Rights, Arab Watch Coalition, the Women’s Budget Group and Gender Action are pleased to invite you to the webinar “THE GENDERED IMPACT OF AUSTERITY: EXPERIENCES FROM THE EURO-MED REGION”, that will
Other Publications
Migration and Asylum
Restrictive migration policies and inadequate legislative protection across the Euromed (and beyond) mean that asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees face unique challenges in adjusting to life in their host countries.
Women's Rights and Gender Justice
EuroMed Rights strives to actively promote the rights of women and women’s participation in public life as well as promoting gender equality in the Euro-Med region.
Accountability, Justice and Space for Civil Society
In recent years, many governments across the Euro-Mediterranean region have tended to adopt ever more repressive measures and policies to curtail civil society activism and muzzle critical voices.
Democracy and Freedoms
The status of democracy and fundamental freedoms in the Euro-Mediterranean region has continued to backslide or remained at a negative status quo over the past three years.