Rights and Gender Justice

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Nouveau rapport : Une analyse des dynamiques de backlash anti-genre observées dans la région euro-méditerranéenne entre juillet 2023 et juillet 2024
EuroMed Droits lance un nouveau rapport : Inverser la tendance – Principaux enseignements et voie stratégique pour contrer les backlashs anti-genre dans la région euro-méditerranéenne. Au cours de la dernière décennie,

New report: An analysis of the dynamics of the anti-gender backlash observed in the Euro-Mediterranean region between July 2023 and July 2024
EuroMed Rights launch a new report: Turning the tide – Key learnings and strategic path for navigating anti-gender backlash in the euro Mediterranean region. Over the past decade, the Euro-Mediterranean

Three Reasons for Morocco and Other Mediterranean Countries to Align with the Istanbul Convention
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention’s entry into force on August 1st, it is essential to reflect on the progress made and the work still required

Three Reasons for Morocco and Other Mediterranean Countries to Align with the Istanbul Convention
As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Istanbul Convention’s entry into force on August 1st, it is essential to reflect on the progress made and the work still required

New report: A gendered analysis of EU migration externalizations policies
EuroMed Rights launches a new report analyzing EU migration externalizations policies in the MENA region from a gender perspective. Externalization of migration policies has wide ranging impacts both in terms

International Women’s Day 2024: Wreaking havoc on women’s fundamental rights in Palestine
On January 26th, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivered a landmark ruling stressing the urgency of preventing further human rights abuses in Gaza. The magnitude of the casualties has
Other Publications
Migration and Asylum
Restrictive migration policies and inadequate legislative protection across the Euromed (and beyond) mean that asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees face unique challenges in adjusting to life in their host countries.
Accountability, Justice and Space for Civil Society
In recent years, many governments across the Euro-Mediterranean region have tended to adopt ever more repressive measures and policies to curtail civil society activism and muzzle critical voices.
Democracy and Freedoms
The status of democracy and fundamental freedoms in the Euro-Mediterranean region has continued to backslide or remained at a negative status quo over the past three years.
Economic and Social Rights
A new regional programme of EuroMed Rights focuses on economic and social rights (ESR), building on our extensive work in Tunisia over the last years. The Network strives to put social justice concerns at the heart of its work.