09/05/2023 – 05/06/2023  

  • On May 24, more than 100 people from the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, a minority faith group, presented themselves at the Turkish-Bulgarian borders and requested to apply for asylum on the Bulgarian side after reportedly being met with gun shooting and physical violence on the Turkish side. In a joint statement a group of NGOs called “for their applications for international protection to be registered/lodged and treated with full, individualised assessments in Bulgaria in line with national law, European Union law and international human rights law”.   
  • On May 16, EU Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson and Minister of the Interior for Montenegro signed an agreement on operational activities to be carried out by FRONTEX in the country.  
  • ECRE published its updated AIDA Country Reports on Serbia and Slovenia providing a detailed overview on legislative and practice-related developments in asylum procedures, reception conditions, detention of asylum seekers and content of international protection in 2022.  
  • According to a report from the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights, beneficiaries from Temporary Protection in Serbia have been faced with different hurdles, such as the difficulty to access the labour market, healthcare, and financial aid for accommodation.