Work Programme & Strategy 2018-2021

This work programme has been developed based on the annexed 2018 – 2021 strategy, and that was subject to a consultation of the members of the Network. Based on this programme the Executive Committee will, upon proposal by the Secretariat, adopt detailed annual activity plans at its meetings matching available funds and donor contracts.

The program is divided into three parts

  • The first describes the regional actions of EuroMed Rights,
  • The second describes the actions at national level
  • The third part deals with EuroMed Rights methodology and organisation, including how it plans to strengthen integration of the different parts of its work.

The EuroMed Rights strategy for 2018-2021 replaces the 2012-2018 strategy adopted at the 9th General Assembly of the Network in Copenhagen.

It is drafted for a three years’ period, the time span between two General Assemblies. Given the volatility of the situation in the EuroMed region it makes sense not to fix strategic choices beyond that time span.

As the General Assembly, per the statutes, sets ‘out the programme of activities upon recommendation of the executive committee’, the strategy will include the main points of this program in annex as well.

The introduction of this paper is a reminder of the fundamental principles guiding EuroMed Rights’ action. It is followed by three sections describing how the Network over the next three years will respond to the challenges facing the region through 1) its regional activities, 2) its country approach and 3) its methodological and organisational framework.

The strategy presented to the General Assembly is the outcome of a consultation process with the members, Executive Committee and staff. It also takes into consideration an external evaluation of EuroMed Rights’ action between 2014 and 2016 that was commissioned by SIDA. Finally, it builds on the experiences gained by EuroMed Rights during the implementation of the 2015-2018 activities.

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