Work Programme 2008-2010

This document provides presents the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network’s (EMHRN) work program for 2008 to 2010.

It is based on the EMHRN Strategy document (2006-2010) adopted at the 7th general assembly in Madrid 2006 and follows-up on the Work program for 2006-2008 adopted at the same occasion.

These documents were built on an analysis of the human rights situation in the region and of the development of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP), the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) and the EU in terms of human rights. They were also built on a presentation of the EMRHN itself identifying its core vision, mission and values.

The present document starts with a summary of the Strategy and past Work program. It thereafter proceeds with a presentation of how the EMHRN intends to adjust its work in the light of 2006 and 2007 developments.

Then the different elements of the work program are presented.

Work Programme 2008-2010