Tightened Spaces for Human Rights – A Discussion Paper on Palestinian NGO Work

This discussion paper is the outcome of an EMHRN mission to Israel, the West Bank and Gaza in July 2003 that aimed at investigating the working conditions of Palestinian NGOs in the light of the human rights situation following the al-Aqsa Intifada.

The main objective of the report is to provoke discussion between NGOs, donors and governments on how to pro-actively reinforce the role of civil society, human rights and democratisation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in the Middle East, including whether current policies and practises are supportive of strengthening human rights, civil society and democratisation in the region.

The decision to conduct the mission was made following reports received by the EMHRN about:

  • Massive destructions of civil society infrastructure after Israeli forces’ incursions into the OPT after 28 September 2000.
  • Increased restrictions on Palestinians’ freedom of movement.
  • Israeli Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom’s public attack on Palestinian NGOs on 21 May 2003 alleging that Palestinian NGOs and most human rights organisations in the West Bank and Gaza Strip provide shelter for Palestinian terrorists.
  • Increased donor restrictions on NGOs and ‘funding-dumping’ by certain donors.
  • Reports about severe financial mismanagement within LAW, a Palestinian human rights NGO, at that time also a member organisation of the EMHRN.

Read the full report here