The EMHRN GA Calls upon president Marzouki not to extradite former Libyan prime minister Baghdadi to libya

The participants to the 9th General Assembly of the EMHRN that was held in Copenhagen on 1‑2 June 2012 call on His Excellency President MoncefMarzouki of Tunisia not to extradite Baghdadi Mahmoudi, former head of the Libyan government, to Libya.

Like the majority of human rights organizations and associations, we believe that the life of Mr.Mahmoudi would be in danger if he were to be extradited to Libya. He would be at serious risk of torture and ill-treatment since conditions for a fair trial are not met. Furthermore, he would be liable to the death penalty.

The participants to the 9th General Assembly of the EMHRN believe that the most appropriate solution would be to hand over Mr.Mahmoudi to the International Criminal Court, which has the capability to prosecute him according to the law with regard to the large number of crimes and serious human rights violations allegedly committed by him and his government, such as killings, torture, ill-treatments, arbitrary imprisonments, etc. Indeed, the intensity and gravity of the crimes of which Mr. Mahmoudi is accused make it imperative that his trial be conducted in an exemplary fashion, which would be the case if it were to take place before the International Criminal Court.

Mr. President, you have the power to ensure that human rights are respected in this case; do not extradite Mr.Baghdadi Mahmoudi.