Strategy Paper 2006-2010

The present document outlines the strategy of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN). It aims to communicate effectively EMHRN objectives and methodologies within the EMHRN membership as well as to the outside world. It seeks to develop new synergies, partnerships and internal communication by offering a shared vision of the network, its values and objectives.

The document is divided into three parts:

• the first part provides a general presentation of the EMHRN, its mission, objectives and make-up;

• the second part analyses the current situation in the Euro-Mediterranean region, the Barcelona process and related EU-Arab cooperation frameworks, key areas of EMHRN work. It then describes how EMHRN programmes relate to this analysis;

• the final part describes the methodologies used by the EMHRN to implement/achieve the objectives described in part 1 and 2.

The Strategy Paper sets out orientations for 2006-2010. However, strategies lose meaning/become meaningless if they are do not adapt to changing circumstances. Because of the volatile situation in the region and because the EMHRN is constantly developing, the document will be subject to a mid-term evaluation at the EMHRN General Assembly in 2008.

The Strategy provides overall direction for EMHRN work. It will be translated into a bi-annual work programme dealing with current issues in a separate paper.

Strategy 2006-2010