Smear campaign against two UN experts: a firm response is needed!

Swiss radio and television (RTS) revealed on Thursday July 13 that two independent UN experts investigating human rights violations in Yemen, Mr. Kamel Jendoubi (Honorary President of EuroMed Rights) and Mr. Ahmed Himmiche, were victims of an online smear operation carried out by a Swiss company acting for the United Arab Emirates.

According to the RTS investigation, the Swiss company Alp Services, acting on behalf of the United Arab Emirates, would have investigated the profiles of Mr. Jendoubi and Mr. Hammiche in order to find elements with a view to launching a smear campaign.

EuroMed Rights denounces these actions which target two independent UN experts because of their work investigating ongoing human rights violations in Yemen.

Mr. Jendoubi had alerted the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations about the smear campaign against him, but this alert remained unanswered.

EuroMed Rights therefore calls for a firm response from the United Nations and organisation of an internal investigation by the United Nations Human Rights Council into this lack of response to the alerts issued by Mr. Jendoubi.