Palestinian NGO, Al Haq and its Staff under Threat

EuroMed Rights strongly condemns the recent attacks against Al Haq and its staff members.

Over the past months, EuroMed Rights’ member Al Haq has been subjected to mounting forms of pressure aimed at undermining the organisation’s work and intimidating its staff members. This pressure has taken the form of anonymous emails, phone calls and Facebook posts propagating disinformation in order to smear Al Haq’s credibility and undercut its funding base.

Recently, these tactics took a frightening new turn when Al Haq’s staff member and General Director, Shawan Jabarin, started to receive anonymous death threats directly linked to Al Haq’s work on the International Criminal Court. Due to the scale and sophistication of these attacks, it is believed that the Israeli government and its supporters might be behind them.

Al Haq is a prominent Palestinian Human Rights organisation, which has strived since its establishment to protect and promote Human Rights and the rule of law in the Occupied Palestinian territory by way of advocacy and international law. It is these values and Al Haq’s unwavering dedication to their defence that are the targets of these attacks.

EuroMed Rights expresses its solidarity with Al Haq and will continue to stand by its members in their struggle for Human Rights and respect for international law.

For further information please refer to Al Haq’s statement here.