Palestine/ICC: What legal obligations for EU and Member States?

As the International Criminal Court prepares to investigate alleged crimes in Palestine, EuroMed Rights looks into the legal obligations of the EU in terms of its cooperation with the Court.

On 20 December 2019, victims and allies of justice in Palestine welcomed with hope the announcement by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) that all criteria to investigate alleged crimes in Palestine were met.

As of January 2021, victims still await the formal opening of an investigation. In the meantime, EuroMed Rights has looked into what this would entail for the EU and its Member States in terms of cooperation with the ICC. EuroMed Rights’ report proposes an assessment of the EU’s position towards the course of the case of Palestine before the ICC and concludes with EuroMed Rights’ own recommendations.

The accompanying infographic below retraces the eight-years pathway followed by victims to trigger the investigation of alleged crimes in Palestine.