New report: A gendered analysis of EU migration externalizations policies

EuroMed Rights launches a new report analyzing EU migration externalizations policies in the MENA region from a gender perspective.

Externalization of migration policies has wide ranging impacts both in terms of diversity of effects on people on the move and in the geographical locations of these impacts. Gender inequalities and gendered structures of power and domination impact all stages of a migration journey. All that the EU’s migration externalization policies in the MENA region have accomplished is to make the journeys of racialized people on the move to Europe more difficult, dangerous and expensive. A gendered analysis of these policies reveals that the insecurities faced are experienced differently by men, women and LGBTQIA+ people. For women, for example, externalization has meant greater chances of forced immobility, an increase in risks of experiencing SGBV, and of dying at borders.