Morocco: The independence and impartiality of the judiciary

The report on the Independence and Impartiality of the Moroccan Judiciary aims at describing the main features of the judiciary with a focus on the problems and circumstances affecting its independence and impartiality.

The examples mentioned in the report illustrate the serious consequences of the lack of independence and impartiality on the citizens’ rights when it comes to Justice. Following a description of the reforms which have already been accomplished, the report includes a series of detailed recommendations about the constitutional, legal and administrative changes that are needed to achieve a level of independence in accordance with the international standards.

The recommendations are primarily directed towards the Moroccan authorities ; the latter are indeed requested to demonstrate the political will that is required in order to achieve real and substantial progresses. Other recommendations are directed towards external actors and donors, including the European Union, as well as towards the civil society.

It is hoped that this report will become a useful tool not only for the actors of the Moroccan judiciary, but also for the organisations of the Moroccan civil society wishing to engage actively in the promotion and strengthening of the independence of the judiciary. These organisations have been associated to the drafting of the report and it now expected that they will continue to actively work for promoting reform.

Read the full report here