Joint Statement: Coalition Maintains Its Support To Human Rights Defender Doros Polycarpou

On 30 April 2012, after the Judge decided that there is a prima facie case for rioting, against Doros Polycarpou, KISA’s Executive Director, following the tragic events that took place at the 2010 Rainbow Festival in Larnaca, Cyprus, proceedings go on.

The judge considered that at this stage, the court can only decide about whether the case should be dismissed or not. The conditions for such dismissal were not met, according to the Court. As a consequence, the court decided that the ruling will be given after the Defence will bring up its arguments and present its witness(es). The judge will thus be in a position to take a final decision after a comprehensive evaluation of the evidence brought by the Prosecutor and also by the Defence.

As the next hearing is due on 9 May 2012, we, the undersigned organisations, hereby maintain our support to Doros Polycarpou and to a fair evaluation of the case, and will pursue our observation mission and our action throughout the proceedings.