Joint Letter to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany ahead of the official visit of President Al Sisi of Egypt

Joint Letter

Brussels, 29 October 2018

Dear Chancellor Merkel,

Your upcoming meeting with President Al-Sisi of Egypt provides a crucial opportunity to raise concerns regarding the crackdown on the independent human rights movement in the country, in violation of Egypt’s obligations under its 2014 Constitution and international human rights law.

Egypt’s socioeconomic challenges, along with its increasingly repressive measures targeting civil society and human rights defenders play a critical role in the country’s stability. The absence of institutional channels for dissent or holding the government accountable for its human rights violations, along with unfulfilled promises of socio-economic stabilisation, can potentially yield unrest and be contributing factors for migration.

EuroMed Rights, Cairo Institute for Human Right Studies (CIHRS), Dignity, IFEX, OMCT and Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) urge you to raise the following concerns with President Al-Sisi: Repression of civil society organisations and activists, torture, enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings, Death penalty, Socio-economic rights, Migration and human rights.

Click here to read the full letter to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, Dr Angela Merkel.

Click here to read the full letter to the Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Mr Gerd Müller.

Click here to read the full letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr Heiko Maas.