A Human Rights Review on the EU and Israel – Relating Commitments to Actions

This review constitutes the first EMHRN annual assessment of European Union (EU) compliance with its own human rights commitments in its relations to a third country in the Barcelona process.

It studies the EU’s commitments to respect and promote human rights in relation to its actions with regard to Israel.

It examines actual EU and significant Member State positions and responses to Israeli violations of international human rights and humanitarian law in the occupied Palestinian territories and in Israel.

The review was conducted by Susan Rockwell and Charles Shamas of the MATTIN Group and based on research, case studies, and interviews with European Community officials. The time frame of the review is July 2003 to September 2004. The research and the recommendations in the review were thoroughly discussed by the EMHRN Working Group on Palestine in the period from early June to late November 2004.

Read the full review here

Click here for the 2006 review

Click here for the 2007 review