Human Rights Monitor – Vienna + 20

We are delighted to advise that the new edition of the Human Rights Monitor is now online.

Published to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, this special edition features guest contributions from 20 leading international human rights defenders, including former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, and Human Rights Committee member and former UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Sir Nigel Rodley, as well as an editorial from ISHR’s new Director, Phil Lynch.

Additionally, the Monitor includes in-depth coverage and analysis of recent sessions of the UN General Assembly, the Universal Periodic Review, various UN treaty bodies, and the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights compiled by our expert staff. As always, we have also included information about upcoming human rights events and opportunities for NGO engagement and action at the UN.

We acknowledge the generous support of Irish Aid and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs for this publication.

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