General Assembly: Six-year-long strategy to “improve and advance”

“Looking to the future, many challenges await us and together with you all, we will tackle them, guided by our vision to ensure that all have access to human rights and democracy in the Euro-Mediterranean region.”

It is with these words that Wadih Al-Asmar, President of EuroMed Rights, presented his political report at the organisation’s General Assembly (GA), which was successfully held online from 22 to 24 October 2021.  

Entitled “Improve and Advance”, an ambitious strategy for the next six years was adopted by a GA that was unprecedented in its format. With its long experience in the region – the organisation will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2022! – and its network expanded to six new members, EuroMed Rights intends to continue its longstanding work, but also to test new ways of operating and communicating. 

Five political and five organisational goals 

The strategy is structured around goals to be achieved by 2027, with a mid-term review at the 2024 GA. At the political level: 1) Reinforced migration and asylum rights; 2) Advanced gender equality; 3) Increased accountability, justice and space for civil society; 4) Strengthened democracy and fundamental freedoms, and 5) Enhanced economic, social and cultural rights. Five organisational goals are also identified: 1) Energised member base; 2) Increased visibility and impact; 3) Reduced carbon footprint; 4) Improved financial sustainability and diversification, and 5) Improved internal learning. 

Beyond the above goals and in order to respond to opportunities and threats to the promotion of human rights and democracy, EuroMed Rights will reserve funds dedicated to small-scale incubator activities. Examples of possible themes include climate rights, youth, social movements and equality. 

New leaders elected 

On the last day of the GA, a brand new Executive Committee (see below) was elected for three years, chaired by Wadih Al-Asmar for his second term. The new committee shows perfect parity, both geographically and in terms of gender, and its role will be to lead the organisation in the concrete implementation of its new strategy.  

This will take time and will require the mobilisation of internal and external resources, including action and follow-up by member and partner organisations, as well as renewed financial support from donors. “I believe the organisation is fully prepared to lift the challenges that lie ahead and I look forward to meeting them together with colleagues, members and partners,” stated Rasmus Alenius Boserup, EuroMed Rights Executive Director. 

Read “Improve and Advance”, EuroMed Rights’ 2022-2027 strategy here.