Gender Equality in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: From Plan of Action to Action? – Shadow Report on the Implementation of the Istanbul Plan of Action

Published by the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network in anticipation of the Euro-Mediterranean Ministerial Conference to review the Ministerial Conclusions to Strengthen the Role of Women in Society (commonly referred to as the Istanbul Plan of Action, IPA), which is to take place on 11-12 November 2009, this Shadow Report seeks to examine the implementation of the IPA, to identify the main challenges to its implementation, and to make recommendations as to how it can advance gender equality and women’s rights in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The Shadow Report analyses developments with respect to gender equality and women’s rights from 2006 to 2008 in the following key areas:

  • Commitment to international conventions, especially CEDAW
  • Discrimination in national laws and legislation
  • Public participation of women in civil and political life
  • Violence against women, including migrant women

Analysis focuses on the Mashrek countries (Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt), the Maghreb (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria), as well as Turkey and Europe (using the examples of France, Sweden and Poland).

Read the full report here