GA Resolution , Syria: from resignation to horror

The 9th General Assembly of the EMHRN hereby expresses its full and absolute condemnation for the acts of the Syrian regime. For decades this regime has subjected its population to a brutal dictatorship. In the face of a revolution for dignity and freedom, Bashar Al Assad has resorted with total impunity to a brutal murderous policy against the Syrian people.

The international community continues to fail in fulfilling its responsibility to protect the Syrian population, while Russia and China obstinately continue to protect Bashar El Assad’s regime. This constitutes an act of complicity with the Syrian regime’s policy.

The recent increase in massacres, as evidenced by the tragic events of Al Houla, is a clear illustration of the insane and destructive approach of Bashar Al Assad against the population. This is being done with the sole aim of maintaining power despite the Syrian people’s rejection of his rule. Al Assad’s obstinacy is leading the country and the region as a whole into a spiral of violence.

The Syrian people are resorting to their fundamental right to rebellion, as recognized by international instruments, and it is the duty of every individual to support them.

The responsibility of the UN Security Council is to refer to the International Criminal Court those responsible of crimes against humanity and war crimes in Syria.

All measures should be taken to assist the victims. These include: persons who have been displaced by the Syrian army, refugees who have fled to bordering countries and who are not being taken care of adequately, as well as refugees who have fled to countries in Europe and who are entitled to receive all necessary assistance to allow them to lead a decent life.

We urge the international community to end its policy of ambiguity, to put an end to the bloodshed, to bring those responsible to justice, and to offer protection and asylum to those who have been forced to leave their country.