France-Turkey: Visit of President Erdoğan in Paris

This Friday 5 January, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, President of the Republic of Turkey, will meet President Macron in Paris. According to French president’s office, bilateral relations, regional issues including a particular focus on the Syrian file and the Palestinian one but also human rights should be discussed.

On this occasion, EuroMed Rights’ President, Michel Tubiana, calls on French President Macron:

“It is essential that France stands in solidarity with people defending freedom, democracy and human dignity in Turkey. President Macron must stand firm with Mr Erdoğan and clearly condemn the totalitarian drift and the ongoing repression in the country.

President Macron must denounce the massive retaliation and arbitrary measures taken against academics, journalists, activists and all peaceful opponents of the regime who demand freedom of thought and expression.

Since the attempted coup in Turkey on 15 July 2016 and subsequent proclamation of a state of emergency, the authorities have ignored fundamental rights and freedoms. Since then, a veritable witch-hunt has taken place, caracterised by daily arrests, abusive dismissals in the public services. In total, nearly 133,000 civil servants have lost their jobs, with a new purge this December 24th. Nothing stops Mr. Erdoğan, who justifies this cleansing as a necessary fight against terrorism.

The destruction of fundamental rights on the European Union’s doorstep can only have a detrimental effect for all the peoples of Europe. It is therefore urgent and it is our responsibility to act decisively to ensure Turkey respects international law, including the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.”