Factsheet: crackdown on human rights in Egypt

It is a dark time for human rights in Egypt. More than eight years have passed since the revolution that brought down a long-time dictatorship. However, Egyptians still find themselves living in an environment of violent oppression where security forces use torture, systematic arrests and enforced disappearances against those who dare to challenge the state’s narrative.

In what appears to be complete denial of reality, the Egyptian government keeps insisting that Egypt is a democratic state in which fundamental rights and freedoms are being respected, yet nothing could be further from the truth. Moreover, the human rights situation is expected to worsen in light of the recent constitutional amendments which allow president Sisi to remain in power until 2030, undermine the independence of the judiciary and significantly expand the role of the military.

EuroMed Rights has produced a factsheet highlighting the crackdown on human rights in Egypt under Sisi’s rule over the last period, with a focus on 2018. The factsheet can be found here and below.