EuroMed Rights General Assembly: 80 Human Rights Organisations from the Mediterranean Region Gather in Brussels

Press Release

Brussels, 19 June 2018

On 23 and 24 June, more than a hundred representatives from 80 organisations working on Human Rights on the two shores of the Mediterranean are expected to head to Brussels to attend the 11th General Assembly of EuroMed Rights.

As the Euro-Mediterranean region is consumed by the migrants’ impasse, a deep social-economic crisis, the deterioration of international conflicts and the restoration of authoritarian regimes, meetings like this one are more meaningful than ever.

Being the only regional organisation that gathers human rights defenders and organisations from both sides of the Mediterranean, EuroMed Rights has a crucial role to play in order to tackle the deterioration of human rights in the region with a strong, common voice.

Note to Editors:
The General Assembly is the supreme body of EuroMed Rights and gathers every three years to elect the new President and the new Executive Committee members. The President and the Executive Committee are elected for a period of three years which could be renewed for two further terms. The Executive Committee members are also appointed as political referents for different focus areas.

For further information and interview requests please contact

Eliana Capretti
+32 483 711352
[email protected]