EuroMed Rights Annual Report 2018

On 23-24 June 2018, more than 80 human rights defenders from all over the Euro-Mediterranean region gathered in Brussels for the 11th General Assembly of EuroMed Rights. A new strategy and work programme for 2018-2021 was adopted with a key goal of pursuing the development of a strong civil society in the region. The new strategy points out that the phenomenon of shrinking space for civil society is an increasing challenge, which makes it relevant to mainstream this issue into all programmes.

Throughout 2018, EuroMed Rights with its members and partners carried out work along the thematic regional and country specific priority areas, as well as cross-cutting work on gender mainstreaming, advocacy, training and communication.

Some programmes are well-established with longstanding working groups while others started up, such as the Majalat project promoting a structured dialogue with the EU and country interventions in Morocco and Turkey. Efforts were also made to create more synergy and cohesion between the different areas. You will find some results of these efforts below.

Read the full report below