EuroMed Rights Annual Report 2019

In 2019, the Euro-Mediterranean region was marked by both new restrictions and glimmers of hope. Throughout the year, EuroMed Rights, with its memberspartners and with the help of its donors, carried out work along the regional and country specific priority areas to better connect, support and create new dialogue opportunities for and between human rights defenders and civil society organisations.  

The annual report below details some of the main outcomes achieved in 2019 and demonstrates the influence and credibility that EuroMed Rights has gained over time. But the network will not rest on its successes. In the run-up to the 2021 General Assembly, it will analyse and strategise with the aim that its next development phase adequately takes into consideration the organisation’s accumulated competences, the tectonic changes that can be observed in the region, and the internal dynamics as a members-based network.

On its way to meet these numerous challenges, in your company and with your support, EuroMed Rights wishes you an excellent read!