EuroMed Rights 10th General Assembly Report

EuroMed Rights convened its 10th General Assembly in Brussels in June 2015. More than 120 participants gathered, including the regular, associate and honorary members of the Network, as well as external observers such as partner NGOs, EU representatives, researchers, journalists and EuroMed Rights’ donors.

This report details the discussions held during EuroMed Rights’ General Assembly, where the Network’s Activity Report, Financial Reports, Work Programme for 2015-2017 and proposed amendments to statutes were presented, debated and voted on. This report also contains the result of the vote on new members, a new Executive Committee and Presidency, as well as a summary of the discussions from the three workshops organised in the framework of the General Assembly, which focused on borders, militarisation of the region, and future EU policies towards its Southern Neighbourhood.

Read the full report here.