Egypt: Unprecedented Human Rights Violations Seven Years after the Revolution

On 25 January, seven years after the “Day of Anger” that led to the revolution in 2011, Egyptians are facing a regime that systematically violates human rights. Lack of accountability and repressive measures against civil society, such as the recently extended state of emergency that sacrifices fundamental freedoms in the name of security, are leading the country to a situation worse than before, when the citizens took to the streets demanding bread and dignity.

EuroMed Rights strongly condemns the regime’s drift towards authoritarianism, destroying those legitimate aspirations. Unprecedented human rights violations as well as attacks against human rights defenders are occurring on a daily basis.

The harassment of human rights organisations in the case 173/2011 is especially alarming, as is the surge in the numbers of enforced disappearances, extra judicial killings and torture cases.

EuroMed Rights also sees with extreme concern the ratification of the draconian NGO law which, if implemented, would suffocate an already vulnerable Egyptian civil society.

Egypt is now approaching elections in a context of increasing repression against dissident voices and where candidates are forced to step back.

In this crucial moment, the EU and its Member States should call on Egypt to respect its international obligations and guarantee that elections are fair and free. Likewise, the EU cannot afford strengthening relations with a regime that suppresses its own civil society.