Declaration by the EuroMed Rights Executive Committee on the terror attacks

All Unite Up… Against Terror and Barbarity!

We, EuroMed Rights Executive Members, and in the name of civil society organisations on both shores of the Mediterranean, express our horror and sheer condemnation at the terrorist attacks that swept a region in which principles of humankind that is equal, free and brotherly first emerged.

We express our unwavering solidarity with the many families, North and South of the Mediterranean Sea, currently grieving the loss of a loved one as a result of these heinous acts.

No solid foundation can be sustained so long as violence, be it the one emanating from state actors or terrorist groups, is opted over political resolution to the conflicts, over democratic debate and over the respect due to each human being.

We call on citizens on both sides of the Mediterranean to resist the temptation of staying closed in, fearful of the Other. We belong to the same humankind and refuse to be divided along lines of origin, belief, sex and any other consideration.

Let us resist erecting new walls. Welcoming refuges and free circulation of men and women is not only a duty that we have to comply by but a necessity so that our societies keep on growing together and in harmony.

More than ever before, we are convinced that the best response to curb terrorism is to keep our minds open, sustain solidarity between peoples and the respect for fundamental rights.

Together, united in our diversity, we share the same values. We will make sure these values prevail over those promises of death that the authors of such acts keep yielding.

We will not give in to fear as we stand today up and unite.







Michel Tubiana – President

Nabia Haddouche – Vice-President

Moataz El Fegiery – Treasurer

Anitta Kynsilehto

Isaías Barreñada

Søs Nissen

Osman Isci

Raffaella Bolini

Wadih Al-Asmar

Hamdi Shaqqura

Messaoud Romdhani

Catherine Teule