Conducting advocacy is like taking a trip

It was expected, it has arrived! The online training guide on advocacy towards the European Union that EuroMed Rights has just finalised in three languages (English, French and Arabic) is a unique tool for civil society organisations, human rights organisations and defenders, but also for anyone interested in the functioning of the EU, its human rights policies and instruments, and how to best practice advocacy. 

Thanks to this training pathway, consisting of explanatory videos, tutorials and information sheets, it is possible for every Internet user to deepen their knowledge on: 

  • The main EU institutions and bodies, their competences, and the actions they can undertake in favour of human rights, as well as the role of EU Member States; 
  • The EU’s global human rights policies and instruments, the regional partnerships with the Southern Mediterranean, as well as the EU’s bilateral relations with Southern Mediterranean countries; 
  • Concrete ideas on how to develop and implement roadmaps for effective advocacy towards the EU, with useful tips. 

Wondering how to define and prioritise your “advocacy targets”? How to develop effective messages to increase your influence? How to organise an advocacy meeting? This online guide is a “must”! Although advocacy is more difficult in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still possible and desirable to keep in touch with the EU, Member States and their field embassies, even if interactions are likely to be held online.  

Conducting advocacy is like taking a trip: you need to reflect on the route to take, define a roadmap and prepare your luggage accordingly. You can also look for travel partners, such as civil society organisations, because if you want to walk fast, walk alone; but if you want to go far, walk together!