B’Tselem report Israel’s Policy in Area C, the West Bank

B’Tselem published a new report that presents and analyzes Israel’s policy on planning and construction in Area C, and the policy’s infringement of human rights of the entire Palestinian population of the West Bank. This policy is grounded in a view of Area C’s land and water as intended to serve Israeli needs. Therefore, the actions of the Israeli authorities are designed to minimize Palestinian presence in the region and lead to an expansion of the settlements and their areas of control. In other words, in practice, Israel has annexed Area C and brought about circumstances that will influence its permanent status.

This week we marked 46 years since Israel occupied the West Bank. Over the years of occupation, the nature of human rights violations in the Occupied Territories has changed. The sight of a woman in advanced labor stranded at a checkpoint, has virtually disappeared from the landscape of the occupation.  It is far easier to travel and get about within the West Bank than it had been. Nevertheless, Israel’s ongoing control of resources and planning in Area C generates a reality that violates a wide spectrum of human rights in the West Bank on a daily basis.

Area C is home to some 180,000 Palestinians. It is also the primary land resource for the entire West Bank. Consequently, Israel’s policy in this area also adversely affects the rights of Palestinians living in Areas A and B. See attached report for a comprehensive explanation of these issues.

Read the full report

Report summary and area C map