Algerian Universal Periodic Review: how to address the current human rights crisis?

Press release ahead of the Algerian Universal Periodic Review: how to address the current human rights crisis?

Algeria’s fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) before the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in November 2022 resulted in the acceptance of 215 of 290 recommendations, partial acceptance of 4, and noted 70. However, civil society organisations are concerned that the Algerian government did not accept recommendations related to freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, association, and arbitrary detentions.

The Law on Public Meetings and Gatherings remains restrictive, and peaceful demonstrators are arrested under the pretext of “unarmed gatherings.” Judges and lawyers have also faced disciplinary action and prosecution for exercising their rights. Civil society organisations urge the Algerian authorities to implement the UPR recommendations, particularly those relating to human rights, counterterrorism, and judiciary independence, and reconsider their position on the recommendations that were simply noted.

Read the full analysis “Algerian Universal Periodic Review: How to address the current human rights crisis?” here.