Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES)

The Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights (in French Forum Tunsien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux – FTDES) is a tunisian organisation, declared in the Official Journal in 2011. FTDES is non-governemental, neutral, and independant from any political party or religious. It was founded in 2011 in order to dans le but de to fight for people’s economic and social rights at the national and international level.

FTDES is working on the following themes: labour rights, women rights, environmental rights and migrant rights. FTDES is part of several international networks, including FIDH, Migreurop, Loujna Tounkaranké, Boats 4 People. FTDES has been a regular member of EuroMed Rights since June 1, 2014.

Email: [email protected]
Site web: http://ftdes.net
Adresse: 47 avenue Farhat Hached, Bloc A, 2 éme étage, 1001, Tunis, TUNISIA