Seminar/ The Impact on Human Rights Standards of Recent Changes in EU’s Partnerships Policies in the Mediterranean Region.

EuroMed Rights and ARCI are pleased to invite you the international seminar titled “The Impact on Human Rights Standards of Recent Changes in EU’s Partnerships Policies in the Mediterranean Region”, organized as part of the SABIR Festival, and within the framework of EuroMed Rights’ 13th General Assembly. 

This seminar, taking place on October 12, 2024, in Rome, will bring together key experts, policymakers, and civil society leaders to examine how recent EU foreign policy shifts—particularly in its partnerships with countries in the Mediterranean region—are affecting human rights standards, migration, and governance. 

Event Details: 

Agenda & Speakers 

14.15-14.30  Introduction by session chairs, Marie-Christine Vergiat, EuroMed Rights and Gianluca Mengozzi, Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale Italiana 
14.30-15.15  Keynote speakers   

  • Timothy Kaldas, Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policies 
  • Tarek Megerisi, European Council for Foreign Relations 
  • Milena Zajovic, Journalist and human rights defender  
15.15- 15.30  Q&A with keynote speakers 
15.30-16.00  The Parliament role in the EU’s partnerships policies in the Mediterranean region  

  • Mounir Satouri, President of DROI Committee, European Parliament 
  • Laura Boldrini, Chair of the Standing Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies on Human Rights  
16.00- 16.15  Q&A 
16.15-17.15  Perspectives on EU’s partnerships policies in the Mediterranean from the human rights movement  

  • Monia Ben Jemia, Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates, Tunisia  
  • Moataz El Fegiery, Cairo Institute of Human Rights and Studies, Egypt 
  • Wadih Al Asmar, Lebanese Center for Human Rights, Lebanon 
  • Raffaele Crocco, Atlante delle Guerre/Unimondo 
17.15 – 17.30  Concluding remarks by Rasmus Alenius Boserup, Executive Director for EuroMed Rights and Sara Prestianni, Advocacy Director for EuroMed Rights 

This session will offer a critical exploration of how the EU’s partnerships are influencing human rights practices in the Mediterranean, and how civil society can respond to these challenges. The discussions will also highlight strategies for promoting and protecting human rights in the region amidst these shifting political dynamics. 

We would be honored to have your participation in this important event. Please confirm your attendance by October 11th by replying to this email or contacting: [email protected]   

We look forward to your contribution to the discussion.