28/08/2024 – 16/09/2024

  • On 8 September, the Paris Paralympics ended with 8 athletes from the refugee team having competed in 6 categories and won their first 2 medals, both dedicated to refugees around the world.
  • On 4 September, 20 refugees arrived in Rome as part of a humanitarian corridor after being released from detention camps in Libya, where most of them had been severely mistreated. Their arrival in Italy is part of a protocol signed last year allowing 1,500 migrants detained in Libya to settle in Italy over the next three years.
  • On 28 August, five of the six Tunisians detained at the newly built detention center in Porto Empedocle, Sicily, were released. The court ruled that their detention was unjustified, contradicting the Italian government’s Cutro decree, which seeks to automatically detain and expel migrants from “safe countries,” including Tunisia.